What is Zoola Fix?

Launched from London in December 2014, Zoola Fix is a community marketplace connecting local partygoers (called Fixers) with guests wanting authentic nightlife experiences.

Fixers enable guests to party like locals by designing and leading them on tailor-made nights out. Whether it's dancing for hours at the biggest warehouse parties or rubbing shoulders with high society at the most exclusive members' clubs, there's a Fixer for everyone.

User reviews, verified accounts and our first-rate customer service make Zoola Fix a safe and trusted community for all.

Why does it exist?

After travelling through thirty countries in search of the best parties, Zoola Fix founder, Richard, was frustrated at feeling like an outsider.

He didn't want to get caught by another tourist trap nightspot, ask another stranger “where’s the party at tonight?” or spend another night trying to find a club that no longer exists. He wanted to party like a local wherever he went.

He realized that with nightlife, who you know is often more important than what you know. Out of date reviews had let him down whereas local contacts had gained him back door entrance and rock star treatment.

By taking visiting friends on kick-ass nights out in London, Richard was already tackling the problem on a micro scale. He knew what he was doing in London could be done by others in cities all around the world. Zoola Fix was born.