Richard Walker-Smith

Richard is the face of the Zoola brand. Previous incarnations have brought the fish pedicure craze to the UK, opened the country's first fast food cereal joint and run a series of sell-out parties but Zoola Fix is the most ambitious project to date.

Whilst product development and marketing are his forte, he’s involved with anything from day to day operations to the company's overall vision and growth.

As a committed nightcrawler, Zoola Fix is a labour of love for Richard as much as it is a business. He aims to personally host as many guests as possible.

Ian Mooney
The Developer/CTO

After earning an MSc in Computer Science from Sheffield University, Ian honed his craft at Yoomee and as such, is a Certified G when it comes to building online communities.

As well as now being the Head Developer at Photobox owned Sticky9, Ian built the Zoola Fix site from scratch. He knows what makes its tock tick and is on hand to add new features as the site grows. If anything breaks, he takes the flack but when it works (it nearly always does), he deserves the glory!

Richard and Ian met aged just four. They've been friends ever since.