Gui, São Paulo

R$50 per night


Nightclubs & Parties
High end/Exclusive: After-hours: Underground: Mainstream/Casual: LGBT/Alternative:
Live music: Bars: Restaurants:

Basic info

  • Name: Gui
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Member since: 02/19/15
  • City: São Paulo
  • Languages: English, Portugese, Spanish
  • Usual availability: Between 21:00 & 05:00
  • Music: Deep House, Electro House, Hip Hop, House, Jazz, Pop, Progressive House, R&B, Rock & Roll, Trap

A night out with me

I work as a club promoter in Sao Paulo in one of the High End clubs, Lions Nightclub. I do it because I love the nightlife in my city. Almost everynight, I meet some friends and we go out to have drinks before we hit a club. Most of these nights I don't drink but the vibe is always there.

You're welcome to join our party, since most of us have been outsiders in another country we all love to meet new people.

I'm not much into the "Look at me I'm rich and in the club" vibe and I go mostly to places where people are really enjoying the experience of being there and having fun. If you're chill and want to get to know awesome people and parties in the Brasil's Gotham city, just let me know.

I'm here to give people a good time and introduce them kind and cool friends so they can live and experience our parties. I won't charge you more than that and I won't tell you "Our time is over".

Let us just party hard.

About me

A public speaker and a motion designer as well. I love all of these things I do and I'm passionate about each of them in their special way. Reading is a habit I love and I do it everysingle day, even if its for 10 minutes. I'm an uncle of 2 awesome kids, Josh and Zoey, whom I love unconditionally.

I lived in Vancouver, BC - Canada for 2 years and there I met lots of people from all around the world and from that I just fell in love with hosting and welcoming foreign people to parties and cool events in my city.

Experiencing life, new parties, music and art is and will part of my lifestyle for as long as I breathe.


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